Diff: KcprAudio1978
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version 3
KCPR Radio Alumni: 1978 Audio
Click on a sound clip to hear it on your computer's audio player. Audio from other years and in other categories is on the Audio page.
*KCPR Coverage of Poly Royal 1978 - Anchored by The Captain (Randy Kerdoon), with a "Studio 229" segment with "The Prime Minister of Poly Royal" (informative zaniness) and Dave Kerley & Paula Chambers doing the on-location presentation of the Poly Royal opening ceremonies. (Open the listing file to see time details.) Note: I cut out the middle part of all of the songs to shorten the clip for posting here, but the full version is available from me (Bryan C.)
Timed list of "points of interest" in this KCPR Poly Royal 1978 clip.
Audio of KCPR coverage of Poly Royal 1978
*April Fools Edition of "91 Entertainment" and Marv Miller's "Tenth Year" Program from the end of the '77-'78 school year. Various funny stuff including a scheduled Beatles reunion at Chumash auditorium, a Muir Mountain Maniacs Sex Orgy, Mark Wurfl (I think) as "Tom Allen for Pal Stereo" doing a maximum-hype takeoff of (I think) the way "Pacific Stereo" commercials were at the time. There are also some clips of SLO radio personalities like Cat McLean, Doc Philips, Jim (Zimmerlin) Allen saying things like "KCPR is my second favorite radio station" Then Marv has Russ Sharer on for an interview about what he thinks KCPR will be like in the coming school year. There's a segment with (I think) Randy Kerdoon impersonating Howard Cosell.
April Fools and End-Of-School-Year 10th Year show (Marv Miller)
Cal Poly WOW (Week of Welcome) record for fall quarter 1978: Jerry Peek, Bob Latson, Al Yankovic -- and Debbie Silk, who also wrote, produced and edited it. Dave Zimmerman helped with engineering. Cal Poly sent this flexible phonograph record to invite new students to attend the WOW introduction before classes started. Here are
covers and the disc from the photo gallery. (length: 3:18)
Upload:MarkWurfl/KCPR The 10th Year 1st episode_01.mp3 This is the first episode of Marv Miller's retrospective series "KCPR: The Tenth Year." In this show Marv interviews Steve Ruegnitz, who talks a bit about the station's early history. Lots of clips voiced by Frank Calabrese, including an early (the first?) sign-on cart, his "Wolfman" parody, F. Fester Fletcher, and other gems. Lots of other fun clips too! If anyone can identify the other voices, please step forward! Transcribed & posted by Mark Wurfl 9/20/10.
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