KCPR Radio Alumni: 1982-83

To find alumni from Cal Poly's academic year 1982-83, you can:

To check other years, see the alumni by year page. If you aren't listed, join us!

H [jump to top]
Brian Hackney, 1978-82
Brian Hackney
DJ, Soundtrack

P [jump to top]

John Purlia (JP)
The Rock Show, The Fantasy Festival
No particular staff position... I always seemed to be there.
Living in: La Jolla, CA
Web: homepage.mac.com/jpurlia
Email: jpurlia@qualcomm.com
R [jump to top]
Don Ready, 1975-77 and 1979-84
Don Ready

W [jump to top]

David Weary (Dave Philips)
D.J. spring 1981 Mid-night - 3 am; D.J. fall 1981 - 1984 mornings 6-9 am; Fine Arts Director 1984 - june. While I was at the station we were Known as: KCPR- "The Sound Alternative" and also later known as "Burnt Dog Radio"

Working in: Santa Clarita, CA

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