Differences between version 5 and predecessor to the previous major change of AddingGalleryPhotos.
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Newer page: |
version 5 |
Last edited on 27 September 2007 15:26 |
by JerryPeek |
Revert |
Older page: |
version 3 |
Last edited on 27 September 2007 15:15 |
by JerryPeek |
Revert |
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
!!!Adding Photos to the KCPR Alumni Gallery
-These are basic instructions. Please feel free to edit or add to them.
+These are basic instructions for adding photos to the [Photo Gallery|http:/gallery]
. Please feel free to edit or add to them.
-#Start at the temporary home page, www.kcpr.d2g.com. Look for the "Photo Gallery" link (and, soon, the photo gallery instructions link).
#From the gallery's main page, log in. (Note: this is a separate login from the rest of the wiki, but you can use the same username.) If you don't have a username, I suggest using your first and last name, initial caps, with no space between... example: JerryPeek.
-#Click on the album "Reunion, September 2007".
After you're in that album, look for any sub-album that you might want to add your photos to... if you find one, click on its photo to enter. Or, if there's no appropriate sub-album, click "Add Album" at the left edge to create a new sub-album.
+#Click on the album you want to add photos to (example:
"Reunion, September 2007")
. After you're in that album, look for any sub-album that you might want to add your photos to... if you find one, click on its photo to enter. Or, if there's no appropriate sub-album, click "Add Album" at the left edge to create a new sub-album.
#If adding a new sub-album, you'll get a "Add Sub-Album" page. Enter the name (brief, no spaces: see instructions!), title (like "Friday PM pool party"), and Description (as much info as you want). You can skip the Summary and Keywords. Click "Create".
#After the new sub-album is on your screen, click "Add Items" at the left edge. Here you can add individual photo files (click ""Browse..." to find them on yoour hard disk) and captions for each. You can click "More Upload Boxes..." if you want to send more than two photos at once. (*Handy tip:* if you know how to put all of your photos into a zip file, you can Browse for the zip file and upload it; that will load all of your photos into the album at once! In that case, don't use a caption on the "Add Items" page... instead, browse your photos after they've uploaded and edit the captions then.)
Links: HomePage [Audio]
version 5
Adding Photos to the KCPR Alumni Gallery
These are basic instructions for adding photos to the
Photo Gallery. Please feel free to edit or add to them.
#From the gallery's main page, log in. (Note: this is a separate login from the rest of the wiki, but you can use the same username.) If you don't have a username, I suggest using your first and last name, initial caps, with no space between... example: JerryPeek.
#Click on the album you want to add photos to (example: "Reunion, September 2007"). After you're in that album, look for any sub-album that you might want to add your photos to... if you find one, click on its photo to enter. Or, if there's no appropriate sub-album, click "Add Album" at the left edge to create a new sub-album.
#If adding a new sub-album, you'll get a "Add Sub-Album" page. Enter the name (brief, no spaces: see instructions!), title (like "Friday PM pool party"), and Description (as much info as you want). You can skip the Summary and Keywords. Click "Create".
#After the new sub-album is on your screen, click "Add Items" at the left edge. Here you can add individual photo files (click ""Browse..." to find them on yoour hard disk) and captions for each. You can click "More Upload Boxes..." if you want to send more than two photos at once. (Handy tip: if you know how to put all of your photos into a zip file, you can Browse for the zip file and upload it; that will load all of your photos into the album at once! In that case, don't use a caption on the "Add Items" page... instead, browse your photos after they've uploaded and edit the captions then.)
Links: HomePage Audio